Champagne Discours Viticulture

Champagne top winemakers at work

The vine is a generally luxuriantly growing climbing plant, which must be processed accordingly for wine-growing, also so that it bears sufficient fruit at all.

In Champagne, with a stock of 8,000 to 10,000 per hectare, this means: above all, a lot of work. This includes:

La Taille - Pruning 

Le Liage - Binding 

L’ebourgeonnage - Desuckering

Le Revelage - Lifting 

Le Palissage - Trellising or Tie up

Le Rognage - Topping or Trimming

Le Effeuillage - Leaf Thinning

Le Liage - Binding 

Various videos with top winegrowers about their work in the coming months. Find out more in the Champagne Discours Viticulture playlist

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